A tale of two Leaders

Jo Swinson will be a great Leader and will lead the Lib Dems to a huge increase in our MPs whenever the Tories call time and cut and run with a General Election

In the space of two days two of the Country’s three main Parties will have chosen a new Leader. Here’s my take on the new Lib Dem Leader and the likely new Leader of the Tory Party. Meanwhile Labour staggers on with the most unpopular Leader of the Opposition that this Country has seen since records began.

Jo Swinson as Leader of the Liberal Democrats

Like most Lib Dems I agonised about who to vote for as Leader. I voted for Ed Davey but have no hesitation in welcoming Jo Swinson as Leader. We had the luxury of two great candidates either of whom could have done the job well and both conducted a campaign with integrity in compassion.

In Jo Swinson we have a unique Leader who will stand apart from Corbyn and Johnson and force change on a House of Commons that still acts like a Gentleman’s Club. She will lead the fight against a reckless Brexit which will hugely harm our City and our Country.

My thanks also to Ed Davey who ran a great campaign and with Jo showed the Country what Lib Dems stand for; how to conduct a Leadership election and how to act with vision and integrity

Boris Johnson as Prime Minister

The idea that Johnson will be our next PM fills me with dread although it will be interesting to see if he can convince the Queen that he can command a confidence vote in the Commons with so many Tory MPs saying that they cannot support his keynote policy – leaving without a deal.

Johnson is a disgrace to politics and has a low opinion of Liverpool and of places which need to look after those in need generally. Even his friends say that he has a casual relationship with the truth. His reality is based on a privileged upbringing and inherited wealth.

His premiership will be mercifully brief as I am sure that there will be a General Election in months of not weeks. That will put us into a situation that the Lib Dems are likely to call the shots and will not cooperate with either Johnson or Corbyn.

About richardkemp

Now in his 41st year as a Liverpool councillor Richard Kemp is now the Deputy Lord Mayor and will become Liverpool's First Citizen next May. He chairs LAMIT the Local Authority Mutual Investment Trust. He also chairs QS Impact a global charity that works in partnership to help your people deliver the UN's SDGs. Married to the lovely Cllr Erica Kemp CBE with three children and four grandchildren.
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